Archive for October, 2008

MoMo October - Meetup with Ajit Jaokar

On the eve of Diwali, we will have a meetup with Ajit Jaokar - who is in India for the festive season.

Cafe Coffee Day
Opposite St. Blaise’s Church
Amboli, Andheri West.

Ten minutes from Andheri station; Off SV road

Monday, 27th October
5.30pm onwards

About Ajit Jaokar:

Ajit Jaokar is the founder of the London based publishing company Futuretext, and is an expert on emerging Web and Mobile technologies. He chairs Oxford University’s Next generation mobile applications panel and conducts a course on Web 2.0 and User generated content at Oxford University.

His thinking is widely followed in the industry and his blog, The OpenGardensBlog, was recently rated a top 20 wireless blog worldwide by readers of ‘Fierce wireless‘. Currently, he plays an advisory role to a number of mobile start-ups in the UK and Scandinavia. He is also a member of the web2.0 workgroup.

He is the author of books, including Mobile Web 2.0 and OpenGardens. Two other books - Open Mobile and Social media advertising are being published in 2008.

His recent talks have included: Keynote at O Reilly Web20 expo(April 2007);MobileWorld Congress(2007 and 2008); Keynote at Java One (Ex -Motorola CTO Padmasree Warrior’s panel); European parliament - Brussels - (Electronic Internet Foundation) ; Stanford University’s Digital visions program; MIT Sloan; Fraunhofer FOKUS – Talk on
Mobility, Web 2.0 and Identity ; University of St. Gallen(Switzerland) – invited to speak about emerging trends in Mobility and new media; Mobile Web Strategies(partner event of CTIA in San Francisco)

Add comment October 27th, 2008


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