The January event of Mobile Monday Mumbai is on the topic “Opportunities in Proximity Marketing through Bluetooth” and will be held on January 21st, 2008.
Thanks to TELiBrahma for sponsoring the event and supporting the community.
Opportunities in Proximity Marketing through Bluetooth
Bluetooth Marketing is a way of allowing users to interact with an advertising panel or kiosk with their mobile phones to receive advertising content associated with a place or product or promotional content such as video clips, music, vouchers and coupons on their mobile phones in the vicinity of the display.
- Suresh Narasimha, CEO, TELiBrahma
- Rohinton Maloo, Director, TELiBrahma
- Q&A
- Group Discussion
- Dinner
Monday, 21st January
6.30pm - 9.30pm
Club Peninsula,
Peninsula Corporate Park,
GR Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400 013.
Click here to register.
Filed under MoMo Event January 17th, 2008 veer
The December event of Mobile Monday Mumbai is on the topic “Opportunities in VAS for Rural India” and will be held on December 17th.
Thanks to Reliance Communications for sponsoring the event and supporting the community.
Opportunities in VAS for Rural India
70% of India is rural. Considering low PC penetration and lower internet/broadband penetration, the mobile has the potential to emerge as the content and communication platform for rural India. What are the content, applications and use case scenarios that leverage the mobile phone to solve problems and create opportunities for the rural Indian population.
- Anil Pande, Head - Product Developement Management, Reliance Communications
- Suresh Shanmugam, National Head - Business Information Technology Solutions, Mahindra Finance
- Jay Jain, Director, Astute Technologies
- Dr Aditya Sood, Founder & CEO, Center for Knowledge Societies
- Group Discussion
- Dinner
Monday, 17th December
6.30pm - 9.30pm
Plateau Hall
Club Peninsula,
Peninsula Corporate Park,
GR Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400 013.
Click here to register.

Filed under MoMo Event December 12th, 2007 veer
The November event of Mobile Monday Mumbai was around the emerging area of mobile advergaming.
Advergaming is the practice of using video games to advertise a product, or brand. Such games, mobile or PC based, are generally free to download and play. Companies use advergaming as part of their brand promotion strategy.
Salil Bhargava, CEO of Jump Games made a case for advergaming showing how brand based mobile games help in brand recall and brand engagement. He presented a few case studies of some early adopters of the concept in India including Coca Cola, Thumbs Up, Yun Hota Toh Kya Hota movie and Bingo chips. The number of downloads such games generated was very encouraging and demonstrated the return on investment for brands. He also pointed out that advergames need not be complicated blockbuster games but can be simple to play casual games.
The value chain in advergaming includes the Brand, Advertising Agency, Game Developer, Operator and the end User. The brand pays for the development of the mobile game, ad agency co-ordinates the project, game developer charges for the development, operator charges rental for hosting the game and user gets it for free.
The panel discussion brought out the importance of involvement and buy-in from the ad agencies for making the concept mainstream and increasing its exposure to a large number of brands. There were concerns raised that the operators may not want to disturb their steady income from paid games by making available free advergames.
Nidhi Taparia from Tata Indicom pointed out that the operator offers not only helps in promoting the advergame but also is a cost-effective medium for distribution of the game.
Anant Rangaswami from Campaign India stressed on the importance of sampling for all stakeholders, especially the ad agencies which will be taking the concept to the brands. He said that unless account managers in agencies experience advergames, they will not be able to relate, leave alone sell, the concept.
Filed under MoMo Event December 5th, 2007 veer
The November event of Mobile Monday Mumbai is on the topic “Mobile Advergaming” and will be held on 26th November.
Thanks to Jumpgames for sponsoring the event and supporting the community.
- Presentation by Salil Bhargava, CEO, Jumpgames
- Panel Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Dinner
Monday, 26th November
6.30pm - 9.30pm
Plateau Hall
Club Peninsula,
Peninsula Corporate Park,
Lower Parel.

Click here to Register.
Filed under MoMo Event November 18th, 2007 veer
The October event of Mobile Monday Mumbai was held around the topic “Permission Marketing Opportunities on Mobile“. More than 100 mobile industry folks from Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Pune participated in the panel and group discussion.
Although still in its infancy, the mobile permission marketing ecosystem is coming together in India. The event saw participants from various constituents of the mobile marketing ecosystem like publishers with pull, push and user-generated inventory, small and big advertisers, intermediaries like ad agencies and ad networks as well as the operators.
Panelists included SMS publishers, which are the equivalent in the mobile world to online publishers i.e. internet websites:
Rajesh Jain of - a SMS content channels service which is an example of push SMS inventory for ads.
Ajay Vaishnavi of 58888 - a request-reply service which has pull SMS inventory for advertisers.
Sanyog Jain of - a free SMS service, which provides half of SMS as ad space to advertisers.
Vinod Thadani of GroupM takled about the need for SMS publishers to collect profiles of their users so that greater targetting of ads can be provided to advertisers. There was discussion on pricing of SMS ads and how an ads-auction system similar to Google AdSense can create value for publishers and advertisers.
Rajesh Jain presented his ideas around SMS advertising and defined permission as “user in control” of the opt-in/opt-out as well as the mode and time of delivery. He also talked about how companies can use “Invertising” (invited-advertising), in which users choose to receive brand communication as content.
Some of things which are still work-in-progress include whether pay-per-response or pay-per-impression pricing will rule, DNC is still a black-box and not much is known about its impact on permission based SMS advertising, and the key issue of the value add done by operators in SMS advertising. The event concluded with acknowledgment of the potential of SMS advertising, the early adoption of the medium by mainstream advertisers and the need for industry innovators to work together and shape the fledgling mobile permission marketing ecosystem.
Filed under MoMo Event November 12th, 2007 veer
The October event of Mobile Monday Mumbai is on the topic “Permission Marketing Opportunities on Mobile” and will be held on October 29th.
Thanks to Netcore Solutions for sponsoring the event and supporting the community.
Permission Marketing Opportunities on Mobile
With proliferation of mobile phones, it has become the medium of choice for marketers to reach consumers directly. But the mobile is a highly personal and intrusive device. Therefore, permission marketing becomes a necessity when using this medium. Regulatory measures like the DNC serve to enforce the permission marketing ideals. In recent times, the mobile permission marketing ecosystem is coming together in India. There are various constituents of this ecosystem like publishers with pull or push based inventory, small and big advertisers, intermediaries like ad agencies and ad networks as well as the operators.
- Panel Discussion
- Rajesh Jain, MD, Netcore Solutions
- Ajay Vaishnavi, Director - Telecom,
- Vinod Thadani, Senior Director, GroupM Interaction
- Naveen Tewari, CEO,
- Sanyog Jain, COO,
- Priya Gupta, CEO, SpotOn - Ad Network
- VeerChand Bothra, VP - Mobility Sales, Netcore Solutions (Moderator)
- Group Discussion
- Dinner
Monday, 29th October
6.30pm - 9.30pm
Plateau Hall
Club Peninsula,
Peninsula Corporate Park,
GR Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400 013.
Click here to register.
Filed under MoMo Event October 23rd, 2007 veer
Announcing Barcamp Mumbai 2 (BCM2) at SOM, IIT Bombay on Sunday, October 14, 2007.

The idea of a Barcamp is to turn the idea of a ‘conference’ on its head by removing all possible rules out of the way of a intense discussion. These are meeting places of people with great business ideas and ones with sound technical caliber where they ideate, discuss and brainstorm
on all the topics of common interest ranging from wildlife photography and venture funding to blogging and Flex programming.
Due to their widespread appeal and quality of discussion, Barcamps are increasingly being seen as hubs of technical entrepreneurship all across the world.
BCM2 is fast becoming a rage across the ecosystem with leading corporates like SUN and Nokia sponsoring the event.
The team of BCM2 has experience of organizing second, third and fourth Barcamps of Bangalore (4th Barcamp - July 28-29, 2007 - the largest in the world with 600 participants!) and the first Barcamp of Mumbai (July 2006) and multiple Barcamps in Pune.
Barcamps are free events - there is no entry/registration fee and you can register by simply editing the event wiki.
Due to capacity constraint we might have to give preference to people who have registered, so it might be wise to register at the earliest.
Filed under General October 8th, 2007 veer
Despite it being in the middle of the Ganesh Festival,the September event of MoMoMum saw an eager group of MoMo faithfuls descend upon The Plateau Hall in the heart of Club Peninsula.The participants were greeted by a surprise setup consisting of multiple cameras to showcase some of the new technologies around the discussion topic.
Ruchit Surati from Mobicore Technologies introduced the topic for the day by giving a brief presentation on the company he represents. The need for an alternate channel or “pipe” for distributing content created by developers was the topic that took center stage in the presentation as well as the panel discussion that followed. Pranav Sayta from G2I Technologies gave a brief example of the success his company has had in creating such a distribution network. There was a consensus among the panelists and audience members on the need to develop such networks to allow both content developers and customers to deliver and access information freely. Issues regarding the “walled gardens” of mobile operators was again raised given the GPRS delivery for Pranav Sayta’s content.
Despite the numerous obstacles, Pranav Sayta was confident of the power of the network created and unique products delivered; an interesting takeaway for the day for all entrepreneurs and managers: To focus on creating different products that customers want and not to worry about things that are not in your control.
The session ended with dinner which was accompanied by a demonstration of G2I’s Lock Eye product. Lock Eye is essentially a mobile Remote surveillance system that allows you to monitor your home/office/factory via your Nokia phone and GPRS connection for as little as a Rs. 7,000 one time charge. As the effect of the delicious food started to kick in, the crowd dispersed ready to return for the next adventurous session of Mobile Monday Mumbai.
Filed under General September 18th, 2007 abarwale
The September event of Mobile Monday Mumbai will be held on 17th September.
Thanks to Mobicore Technologies for sponsoring the event and supporting the community.
Mobile content infrastructure and platform
- Ruchit Surati, Mobicore Technologies
- Jagdish Purohit, Mobile Dhamaal
- Amit Doshi, Webodrome
- Nahush Bhatt, Gate2info.Net Technologies
- Pranav Sayta, Gate2info.Net Technologies
- Group Discussions
- Dinner
Monday, 17th September
7.00pm - 9.30pm
Plateau Hall
Club Peninsula,
Peninsula Corporate Park,
GR Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel,
Mumbai - 400 013.
Click here to Register.
Filed under MoMo Event September 11th, 2007 veer
The August event of MoMo Mumbai was kicked off by Rakesh Godhwani from Qualcomm. Discussion for the event surrounded location based services and a number of applications associated with the concept. The five panel members and more than 130 audience members were representative of the mobile industry and consisted of application developers, hardware providers, mobile phone companies, service providers and enthusiasts.
The panelists discussed worldwide trends in location based services and tipped the audience on some of the likely near term applications. Emergency response services as well as child or spouse monitoring applications, it was felt, were likely to be the first applications off the shelf. A number of technologies associated with these services were also discussed; these included cell ID as well as GPS technologies. Development of off-beat applications like an urban Monopoly or something along the lines of Pac Manhatttan were raised by Ninad Chhaya, VP-Products, Jump Games.
Lively debate ensued as the enthusiastic audience fulfilled their curiosity by asking multiple questions over a two hour period. Mobile value added service entrepreneurs were especially keen on the direction service providers might take in providing access to their “walled gardens”.
The consensus in the room seemed to be that mobile based location services were an inevitable development. The hardware component of such services is already in place and as phones with GPS chips begin to roll out, it can be expected to see some of these applications soon.
MoMo August Video - 1
MoMo August Video - 2
MoMo August Video - 3
MoMo August Video - 4
MoMo August Video - 5
MoMo August Video - 6
Filed under MoMo Event September 4th, 2007 abarwale
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